How to get a legendary pet in Adopt Me?
I'm curious about how to acquire a legendary pet in the popular game Adopt Me. Could you please explain the various methods or strategies that players can use to increase their chances of getting one? I've heard rumors about trading, completing quests, or even opening special eggs, but I'm not sure which route is the most effective. Is there a specific method that stands out as the most reliable way to add a legendary pet to my collection?

What is the legendary pet in the Retired Egg?
I'm curious, can you tell me more about the enigmatic creature housed within the Retired Egg? Is this legendary pet shrouded in mystery, or does it possess a storied past? What qualities or abilities set it apart from other pets in the virtual realm? Additionally, are there any rumors or speculations about its origins and powers that have captured the imaginations of collectors and enthusiasts alike? I'm eager to learn more about this enigmatic creature and its place in the world of cryptocurrency and digital collectibles.